of course, we don't have kids and neither do our friends. but in the year since we've last seen one our dear friends from college (a couple) they got a dog, and we got a dog. so when they came to visit this past weekend, it only made sense that their child come along, and our child welcome her new friend into her home.
i think in the end, the dogs were pretty chill with one another, but alas they did have their moments of fighting, their moments of playing, their moments of just wanting their individual sets of parents attention. but... isn't this exactly what a play date is?
at one point, while eating around the kitchen table, the dogs playing at our feet, one of us actually said "can't you two go in the other room and play?" and then we paused. didn't our parents used to say that to us?
are we now the parents sitting around the table? did our parents know as little about the world as we did when they sat around the same table, laughing, talking about grown up things that we and our playmates didn't understand?
granted, our children are dogs and 26 now is not what 26 was when my parents were sitting around that table. but it did bear a striking resemblance to the 1980's, when beers were swished and chips were dipped and laughter came from the kitchen where i was pretty sure my parents knew all there was to know about the world.
the play date in action. |