Saturday, July 30, 2011

mid-twenties crisis.

all these babies that keep growing and first, second, third wedding anniversaries on facebook are like "OH WHAT?" because i'm still like, sitting in the same living room clicking the same facebook page while all this time is passing...

facebook: creating mid-twenties crises for laptop dwelling girls everywhere.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

cupboard challenge: night three

on sunday, i went through my cupboard and pulled everything out and decided to challenge myself to use at least one item i already had each night this week.  subsequently i went to the store and picked up about $30 of supplemental fresh items.  let's do this, cupboard!

night three: oops.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

knot cool

(pssst:  a lot of the time when i go to to look up stuff for the wedding i'm maid of honor in, i end up finding pictures of things i'd really like at my wedding.)

(pssst: also i'm not engaged yet so i technically am not planning a wedding!)

(pssst: fun to look, though!)

thirty days

the other day i saw this video while browsing  i immediately felt inspired by what was being said - and the idea that thirty days isn't that long, but could prove what a difference something i've been meaning to add to my life could actually meaningfully make in my life.  then at the end of those thirty days, i could either decide to integrate it into my life, or leave it behind - no harm done! it was only a month.

so i got really inspired about thinking about working out every day.  how would it transform me?  what would it mean to my future?

but i keep telling myself... okay... the thirty days... starts... tomorrow!

now i feel like i might be doomed to experience thirty days of thirty days starting tomorrow.  damn you, ted.

the empty track that i'm not running on.

cupboard challenge: night two

on sunday, i went through my cupboard and pulled everything out and decided to challenge myself to use at least one item i already had each night this week.  subsequently i went to the store and picked up about $30 of supplemental fresh items.  let's do this, cupboard!

night two: meatless burgers and pasta salad

from the cupboard/freezer:  meatless burgers, half a box of rotini, bbq sauce
bought: italian dressing, rolls (also used for sandwiches), swiss cheese (also used for sandwiches), mushrooms

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

cupboard challenge: night one

on sunday, i went through my cupboard and pulled everything out and decided to challenge myself to use at least one item i already had each night this week.  subsequently i went to the store and picked up about $30 of supplemental fresh items.  let's do this, cupboard!

night one: pad thai

used:  pad thai sauce from cupboard, one egg from fridge, vegetable oil from cupboard

bought:  chicken, scallions, lime wedges, cilantro, rice noodles

Sunday, July 17, 2011

cupboard challenge


now that i got that out of the way...

g's working today, and in that IT IS SO HOT OUT save for one quick spin murgs and i took around the block, i've pretty much been sitting indoors all day. i've watched a few true crime shows, was disappointed to see that the episode of 'say yes to the dress' was one i had already seen, and i attempted to clean but got bored.

in that it's sunday, and i have all this spare time to sit here and think, i got to thinking about the week ahead. because i may or may not have spent far too much money buying myself an entire new wardrobe of undergarments yesterday (what? a girl's gotta have a few good bra's - am i right, ladies?) i really can't afford to allow us to fall into our normal workweek trap of not planning meals and oops! going out to dinner yet again.

so, it's a grocery shopping day. now ordinarily, i would have grabbed my bag, left the house, and ended up at the store where i would - using the selection on their shelves - dream up five nights worth of meals. in that it's a million degrees out, i'm not overly jazzed to go to the store, so in an attempt to convince myself i don't really have to, i opened the cupboard to see what i have to work with.

this thing is full. it's filled with stuff purchased who knows when that still hasn't been used. so! i'm enacting a challenge upon myself. tonight, i'm going to go to the store to buy fresh items that will supplement all this stuff i already have. this week, i must use at least one item i already had in the house every night for dinner.

here's what i have to work with from the cupboard:

- half a box of rotini
- a package of scone mix (just add water! hello, breakfast)
- two jars (of different types of) curry sauce
- a package of pad thai sauce
- a can of black beans
- a package of parmesan noodles
- an unopened package of spaghetti

meanwhile in the freezer i found:
- four very nice looking steaks
- two meatless hamburgers

my hope is that if i actually use all this stuff up and put it to good use, a) it won't go to waste and b) i practically don't have to spend anything on groceries this week and i'm still going to have plenty of meal options.

here's hoping!

Sunday, July 3, 2011


'the tree of life' happened to me yesterday.

i put it that way intently.  i spent hours in the theatre mesmerized, dreaming, experiencing things i hadn't thought of.  crying for no reason - nothing sad was happening.  feeling happy, feeling uncomfortable.  feeling.  though i wouldn't dare try to deconstruct it, i can say i have positive feelings towards the experience - and a desire to touch and experience everything my world because of it.

i'd recommend it to anyone, i think.  but especially to those of us who are at a crossroads in life - a crossroads filled with "what have i been doing?" "what will i do next?"  "where am i going?"  "is it okay?" "am i grown up?"  "when will i be?"

 it won't give you answers.  if anything it will stir the pot.  but it is a step back - a step towards "just sit.  just think.  stop worrying, let life happen."