Tuesday, November 9, 2010

hummus breakfast

i took the dog on a "long" walk to the park today, by which i mean it took forever because she stopped to smell every rose, dirt patch, tissue, and chicken bone along the way.

(side note:  you would not believe how many people throw chicken bones on the street!  i had no reason to notice until i had a dog but GOOD GOD! why are chicken bones unlike other garbage? throw them away in a reciprocal, people!)

once home, i'm tidying up the apartment when my spice rack falls again.  (it falls frequently because it's a heavy antique drawer that i have haphazardly attached to my wall and displayed spices on. you'd think i'd get the hint, but i really like the way it looks...) and i start to feel the kind of anger i feel when i haven't had enough coffee and/or protein.

there was enough coffee left in the french press to have another cup, but this protein thing was a problem.  after burning bacon AND eggs yesterday, i just wasn't into that... so i opened the fridge and perused for new ideas.

that's when i invented Hummus Breakfast Wrap, which is the easiest thing i've cooked in a while and is also letting me feel good about the fact that i finally used that tortilla that's been sitting around in the fridge for over a week, i used up the hummus that would have gone bad soon and i don't have any pita for, and i used a piece of the lettuce i bought at the farmer's market the other day.

here it is.

Hummus Breakfast Wrap (could also easily be consumed for Dinner or Lunch.)


1 tortilla
3 teaspoons of hummus
Olives (if you like them)

You'll need a frying pan and a plate.

Throw your tortilla, which you've hopefully been storing in the fridge, into a frying pan on low heat to warm it up.  This way when you go to wrap it it won't crack and become a horrible mess.

Once your tortilla is warmed up, throw it on a plate.  Place your lettuce on top of it.  Put your hummus and olives on top of that.

Wrap it up!

Delicious and healthy.  Excellent.

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